Wednesday, March 30, 2011


(Sequel to the Turkey Story)       By Sue Nell
As all of you may know, Mother always ordered at least 100 baby chicks every spring so we could have meat for the summer.  She usually ordered mixed, boys and girls for those who don't know what mixed is, so that she could have some hens and roosters.
Well, she received a very nasty and mean rooster one spring.  As he grew he thought he owned the place.  Every time that I went to the outhouse or garden or the well or just outside - he felt like I was invading his territory.  So he proceeded to let me know about it.  He would cluck and pretend he was surrounding his harem for their protection with his head toward the ground, and as soon as your back got turned to him, he would attack with his feet and scratch etc.  Hurt pretty bad.

Several times it happened.  I told mother each time, but I guess she felt like maybe I was aggravating him so she let it go, thinking that she could not do without one rooster.  Until one day she had her bonnet on, her dishpan   and hoe in hand to gather some things from the garden.  Mr. Rooster decided he would attack her also, since he never had before.  He probably didn't recognize her in her bonnet.  Well, Mr. Rooster did not survive that attack. He was met with mother's hoe and found himself in the pot to make some broth for dumplings.  I sure did enjoy that pot of dumplings.  You know it wasn't enough that I had 3 brothers (Tom, George, and Lex) picking on me with tearing up my playhouse -throwing corn cobs at me every time I went outside - scaring me and a lot of other things - I had to have an enemy in this rooster.  But God says that “vengeance is mine” - I am still around to tell the story of the rooster and the rooster has long since been deposited in the outhouse. That old rooster picked on me but he got picked in the end - oops I mean his feathers picked.

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