Monday, January 17, 2011

Grandma James on Birth Control

In the 1970s people were talking openly about things they used to discuss only in private.  I guess after the wild things that you hear about taking place in the 1960's people just opened up and said anything.  One time the "girl talk" around the kitchen turned to birth control.  What kind of pills or methods worked and other things that I still don't talk about.  Grandma looked at the others and said, "I sure am glad they didn't have birth control in my time.  I have thought about all twelve of my children and I can not imagine which one I would have chosen not to have."
Grandma, I can not imagine this family or the world without any one of them either, thank you.
And that's the way I heard it on the mountain,
Tony Peoples

1 comment:

  1. Yes, when we lived in Ca and only came back once a year - she would say how much she wished that we didn't live so far away. I would say - you have 11 other kids - how can you miss us - she would say - everyone of us had a special place that not one of the other could fill
